five finds friday (twelve)
I hope that funny kids grow into funny adults.
I think they will.
We have such an amusing and varied group of friends young and old that I don’t really have a heavy dread of raising a gaggle of teenagers simultaneously – in fact, I think it could actually be (gasp) interesting and fun.
Talented and creative young family friends such as our buddy Travis remind me that “teen” is not a curse word and that clever ideas begin early.
He helped create a great video for one of our favorite local restaurants – Sidewall Pizza.
Watch it. It’s all things promising – a community business partnering with a young mind and kids exploring art and exercising their talents.
Aren’t these so pretty?
They are from Ten Thousand Villages.
I really like that store.
It’s sort of like Noonday in a brick and mortar location.
Similar items for sale. Similar story – all the items are hand crafted by artisans in third world countries.
Beautiful stuff.
This little quick and delicious dish reminds me of the old days of Pampered Chef.
Sarah served it to us a few months ago for breakfast and we keep pulling it out – during the snow days in Virginia and this week for a group dinner.
Now that I’ve discovered that Trader Joe’s carries these croissant rolls, I can pretend it’s a healthier version than Pillsbury. I guess you could make your own dough, but the point of this simple recipe is its ….. simplicity.
You just lay out the croissant dough. Two tubes worth. (Sometimes in a ring. Sometimes more stromboli style. Whichever works for your pan and your mood.)
Add on top browned sausage, scrambled eggs and shredded cheese.
Bake for about 15 minutes.
I didn’t measure anything – just tossed on what looked right.
Really – you could fill this with whatever suited your family best.
It’s a great option when you want to feed more people with less eggs. Normally a pound of sausage and about eight eggs would never serve a dozen people. But placed in these croissants, it goes much farther.
And – it really tastes delicious.
(It is basically sausage and egg biscuits!)
This blog post about being weak.
The writer of this post was another speaker at the Allume conference (where the ripples are still being felt by me, really.)
And I love all that she has to say here —
I am no more ruined than I was when life ran on time and all the piles were swept and we knew what to expect out of each day.
It’s just that I now can see it a little more clearly.
I like seeing my brother play baseball with my kids, helping them chop down trees and making silly jokes with the girls.
Yesterday he and London both discovered they were wearing shirts with their own names on them!
Judy kay
I’ve always thought of myself as a better baby mom, but this intro into the teen years has been more fun than I thought it could be!
This post made Trav’s day, by the way.
I’m so glad.
I thought about telling him to read it, but then I figured it would be more satisfying to stumble across it!
A house full of teens is the best! I miss that.