
ugh . . .

Have you ever glanced at the clock – or noticed the sun sinking in the sky – and then looked down at your own attire and thought, “Well.  I’ve made it this far into the day.  A shower now seems pointless.”?

You know that portion of the day when it appears that every single flat surface in your home is covered with …. something?

There is laundry on the line and you realize that the rain has been pouring for more than two hours and it’s too late to do anything about the soaking wet blue jeans and towels.

How about when your own words about The Tired & The Worn Out laugh at you because you know you are The Tired & The Worn Out except you don’t believe your own typed words about hope because so much of so many things just seems so stupid and unjust?

Can I just be honest right now?

I’ve been lying here pretending to type a blog post for about an hour and all I have are deep sighs and sentences that I type and then delete and a kind of weariness penetrating my skin.

I scanned my phone’s recent photos collection to see if a cute photo would spark a blog post idea but I don’t have any recent photos stashed there and no sparking is happening.

So, friends, today – you get this.

A pile of mismatched words masquerading as a post and a stack of barely cohesive thoughts.

maybe I’ll have the energy to show up tomorrow.


  • Sara

    Oh man! To Lana. I get the overwhelmed with drywall dust but never the inability to get a snack. That, sadly, is my comfort…a snack. Any snack.

    Oh, dear Lacey friend.
    No words except Karen’s text reminder this morning:
    “Nothing compares to the glory that is coming.”
    And your own words: “put on joy like a garment”

    Hang on. Hang on.
    The glory coming is more Real than the hard now.
    It is.
    We choose to believe.
    And we choose joy while waiting for God to merge our choice with our emotions…

    I love you so.

  • Lana

    Every surface in my house is covered with dry wall dust. This is disgusting and I am sick of it. Yesterday I was so defeated by it that I sat there in the recliner starving and could not even muster the will to go get a snack because you see I have no kitchen right now. I know this is not the same as your world but it is what is kicking me daily. Hugs. This gray, rainy weather does not help, does it?