God's Pursuit of Me,  HomeLife

The Tired & The Worn Out

Don’t you yet understand?

Don’t you know by now that the everlasting God, the Creator of the farthest parts of the earth, never grows faint or weary?

No one can fathom the depths of his understanding. 

He gives power to the tired and worn out, and strength to the weak.  

                           (Isaiah 40:29, The Living Bible translation)

To The Tired & The Worn Out,

I see you.

I watch you rise up in the morning and feed the hungry faces sitting at your table.

I know you drag your worn Bible across the counter top and you read and re-read the words that at one time spoke life but right now are appearing to be lost in translation.

I see you care for others when you feel uncared for.

I see you bend low and pick up the people in your circle.

I see you.

I hear you.

I hear your deep sighs when you think the others aren’t listening.

I hear your barely utterable prayers that just seem to say on repeat – God, help me.  God, why?  God, where is your hope?  God, help my unbelief.

I hear the way you rally yourself to offer encouragement to another from a well deep deep within you when you think your reserves have all been tapped out.

I hear your surprised laughter when the unexpected happens and a touch of hope bursts right up through your throat.

I hear you, because I speak your language.

We are The Tired & The Worn Out.

And we are weak (but God makes us strong)

and we are powerless (but God offers His power in our place)

and we are fearful (but God calls us to cast off fear)

but that is NOT the end of the story.

Oh dear Tired & Worn Out ones —-

we are not alone.

We will not always be Tired and we will not always be Worn Out.

Don’t you yet understand? 

Don’t you know by now that the everlasting God, the Creator of the farthest parts of the earth, never grows faint or weary? 

No one can fathom the depths of his understanding. 

He gives power to the tired and worn out, and strength to the weak.

Why don’t we yet understand?

Why don’t we know by now?

God never grows Tired & Worn Out.

We cannot even comprehend what God knows.

But we know this —

we know this –

He gives us power.

He offers us strength.

The most Tired & the most Worn Out among us will not always be so Tired & so Worn Out.

There is an end to the Tired & the Worn Out.

(We call this end hope, I think.  We call it perhaps today.)

Dear Tired & Worn Out friends,

May that power and that strength be enough for your today.


  • Jessica

    Thanks for this reminder. Yep, I am tired and worn out and feel like my reserves are tapped out, but there is HOPE.

  • Dede

    I know you don’t know me, but your words speak to my soul so very often. Thank you for your honesty and your willingness to write what is in your heart. I have shared your written word with friends many times. I hope someday you will know what a blessing you are to people who you don’t even know!

    • laceykeigley

      Thank you so much for commenting.

      Truly – I am so encouraged to think that the words here resonate and help in any way.

  • Mandi Buckner

    Thank you Ace! I needed to hear that! I am thankful we are never alone! I am thankful God is inexhaustible! I am thankful this is temporary! I long for our real home where we won’t be tired or worn out anymore! Until then the Lord is our Faithful Sustainer – how I praise and thank Him!

  • Karen

    What’s best (besides the fact that God’s got us and is giving us strength) is that we don’t have to be The Tired and Worn alone.

    Praising God for friends and family who understand these feelings.