
(the first annual?) Autumn Poet Tea

Turns out it wasn’t enough to just enjoy our Poet Tea with the family.

This week we welcomed with open arms the perfect loveliness of the autumn season.

With open arms, sweet friends and thoughtful words from celebrated poets.

And – with desserts!

And tea too, of course.


Oh my word, you guys.

The cuteness was intoxicating.

all hail the merry autumn days.

We invited a few friends and set out some fall treats in the moderate fall weather.  (Pumpkin muffins and hand pies and scones and lemon curd and tea served in my mother’s tea pots.)

the big kids table apparently.

Each of the guests were asked to come prepared to share an autumn poem.

That was the best part.

shared recitation.

These kids – thirteen of them of various ages – were all really into the poems they chose.  Some had memorized their poem.  Some wanted to share more than one.  (What teacher in their right mind says no to that?)

such a good little reader.

Polite, happy, grinning, joyful kids in the afternoon sun reading poems and chatting with the adults about politics and music.  Refreshments made by and large by the children themselves.  I just don’t know how school could get much better than that, really.

thankful.  yes.

Bergen and I read a poem intended to be read together from this neat little collection entitled Joyful Noise that Oma gifted to us last year.   The entire book features poems created to be read in tandem.  Our poem was not exactly autumn in theme, but when your ten-year-old son wants to read a poem with you, I think the answer is yes.  I liked practicing with him.

my boy.

I think the afternoon itself was a Love Poem to Autumn written by friendship and community and passed down words and the love of pretty things and good food and nature itself.

that light.

London is already asking, “Can we do a Poet Tea for each season?”

I think the girl is on to something.


  • Annie

    I loved this post.I’m inspired to make poetry a regular part of our homeschooling journey. Are you part of a support group?Can you recommend a good group in Greenville?

    • laceykeigley

      I’m so glad it inspired you. Thank you so much.

      I have found it very worth the time.

      I don’t belong to a support group in Greenville other than the one umbrella-type group required by the state. I have participated in some official co-ops over the year and have never have a bad experience with any of them. Wish I had better recommendations for you.