HomeLife,  Keiglets


I can hear them from where I sit.

Downstairs.  On my bed.  I’m typing and tears are in my eyes.

Carrying the heavy in my heart and across my wrinkled forehead and all alone in this bedroom made for two but only hosting one.

Their laughter is sweet.  Their game play is kind and momentarily all completely happy and universally enjoyable by all five of them.

My heart aches from the sounds – the happy upstairs, the hurt downstairs.

For all the goo and the gunk and the ugly and the dark, I think my kids are finding happy in this day.

I couldn’t be more grateful.

And I couldn’t be more broken.

How on earth can this all be true?


  • Sandy Scaringi

    I, like everyone else reading this, wish I could do something to make things right. I am crying … I hurt for you … I have learned so much from you … and I will keep on praying for all of you everyday!

  • Sara

    The “weeping with those who weep” that I read here is of God, I believe.

    Your friends, your fellow believers feel deeply this Hurt. Our hearts long to bear this for you, to share with you in your sorrow.

    “My eyes fail because of tears,
    My spirit is greatly troubled;
    My heart is poured out on the earth
    Because of the destruction of the daughter of my people.”
    – Lamentations 2:11

    You are “our people.” We are yours. Jesus makes it so.

    No words have the power to help. We have nothing to offer.
    Except this

    By the power of the Holy Spirit
    In the Name of our Lord Jesus,
    Son of the Most High God,
    With you
    In this.

    Much love

  • Hilary

    This makes my soul hurt.

    Remember your gentle shepherd. He will never leave you or forsake you.

    How I wish…many things. One of them being, I wish I were there.