Field Trip,  Keiglets

The Texas Tally

Sometimes when we get together we end up counting things that happen – and we can barely keep up.

$20.26 spent on candy at Mom and Pop’s Candy Store.

4,321 times that 8 children asked, “Can we have another piece of candy?”

13,241 steps Emma took today according to her FitBit.

6 times Emma told the kids, “Just one more picture.”

1 batch of delicious cake-like brownies Mosely made from scratch.

4 nights in a row that Jurassic Park has been on television.

18 times that Miller said, “No – you may not kiss me.”

13 door bell rings from neighbors wanting to play.

9 meatballs consumed by Bergen at dinner with his spaghetti.

14 inane arguments had between Jon and myself about pointless topics.

10 minutes of playing Minecraft per pair of kids.

40 minutes of wondering why Minecraft is so stinking’ popular.

103 times that Piper said, “Mom – are you watching?” as she jumped boldly into the swimming pool.

2 disappointed grown ups when Emma’s favorite downtown lunch spot was discovered to be closed on Mondays.

8 kids who were incredibly patient and good as we wandered through downtown shops and stores.

1 game of Candyland played.

1 moment of recalling why I gave our board game of Candyland away many years ago.

13 minutes of contemplating dying a purple streak in my hair again.

10 welts on Miller’s tiny cute bare back from tricksy mosquitoes.

0 pictures taken of Emma and I.