Bergen Hawkeye,  HomeLife,  HomeSchooling

Journal Entries


I may never have to think of an idea to write another blog post again.

I realized today that I have a treasure trove of ideas in three little wide-ruled notebooks sitting right in our kitchen cabinets, directly under the shelf that stores our pottery bowls.

We’ve been doing journals in school on and off for a few years now.

They’ve always been endearing to me – but this year they seem to be downright entertaining.

I don’t know if it’s the kids’ older ages or their improved wit and writing skills or what.  But I am just getting such a kick out of these entries.  Sometimes they make me laugh.  Sometimes they make me realize how much my ones are growing up.  Sometimes they reveal a little tenderness I hadn’t spotted before.

But almost always they allow me to see my children – the ones I am with nearly all day every day – in a different light.

I mean - who invited this grown up to lunch?

A recent entry from Bergen.

If you were ruler of the world, what would you banish for all time?

1.  GMOs

2.  High fructose corn syrup

3.  Chemicals

4.  Pollution

5.  Lead

6.  Oil shipments

7.  Killing animals for no reason

8.  World War III (just going to try)

9.  Air pollution

10.  Water pollution

11.  Drunk driving

12.  Stealing

13.  Aesop  [not the man, but the classical writing/grammar study we do with the same title]

14.  Murder


I love that he has his concerns – and he ranks murder and high fructose corn syrup and grammar all on his top fourteen list.


  • Melanie

    I have just found your blog and I am enjoying it a lot. I am curious where you get your journal prompts from?

    • laceykeigley

      Oh – this is a good question.

      And it has been a yearly source of frustration to me.

      Some years I make them up. But – that gets the better of me often.

      This year, I took it easy on myself and bought a journal already filled with them for the kids to use. It wasn’t targeted primarily to kids so I had to read through it and tear out a few pages with questionable content – but, it has saved me loads of extra work during a rather busier year than usual.

  • Lana

    🙂 Our youngest son used to write the most interesting papers for me. One in particular was how much he loathed the cute green ceramic pear that sat on our kitchen table as a perpetual centerpiece. He did not mean to be funny at all!