Field Trip,  Prairie Primer Year

Prairie Adventure: it takes a long time to get out there

Are you wondering when we are ever going to actually get to the prairie? When will we ever step foot on Laura’s soil?

Yeah. Me too.

It takes a long time to get from the south to the mid-west.

I told the kids as we were riding along, “Guys. We will change time zones in a few minutes. It’s like we will go backwards in time.”

To which Hawkeye responds, “You mean I get to be a baby again?”

This road trip is full of funny responses and one-liners. It’s a regular comedy routine.

We left Ohio pretty early and tried to make some quick road trip time to West Chicago to meet Uncle Joe for lunch in a brief window of time he had before work.

We just made it and were so thrilled to see Uncle Joe waiting for us in his charming conductor’s uniform.

And in just so much extra surprise – Aunt Laura was there to meet us too!

What a fun surprise after so many years!

We had lunch together and were able to catch up a good bit before it was time to hitch up the wagon and head out again.

We made it a couple more hours and arrived in Wisconsin where we are stopping for the night.

After this treat of a hotel stay- it’s camping for us.

So we took extra care to pick a hotel with an indoor pool – because it’s only about 67 degrees outside right now.

The Keiglets at a hotel is a lot like a carnival.

I mean, it’s true that we do not frequent hotels often – but by our children’s behavior upon entering a hotel room you’d think our kids had never entered a room of any variety.

There’s the checking out of the miniature toiletries. The sudden desire to play hide and seek in a small room with no hiding spots. The volume of their voices exponentially increase. Suddenly everyone wants to blow dry their already dry hair.

It’s a rockin’ party, I tell you.

So it’s sort of been a day of getting from there to here with a special lunch and a pool tossed in for good measure.

And this wide Wisconsin sky.
