
Friday Morning Ramble

It’s Friday.

Did you need me to remind you of that?

The week has whisked itself away as my weeks tend to do.

It’s rainy and gross and winter has seemed to linger so much longer this season than I remember in years past.

The rope swing dangling from the giant oak tree in our front yard is soggy and the puddles under the swing are spreading.  I’ll be as glad as the kids will be when those puddles dry up and little bodies can fling themselves around in circles in the sunshine.

Mornings are still a tad bit slow in our house as the cold sits on our wooden floors and takes up residence in our foyer.

We’re well over half way done with our required number of school days and my heart still beats to the rhythm of slow down slow down slow down.

We haven’t been in the woods nearly often enough lately and I can feel the missing of nature like a tangible loss.

In our future we have trips planned – several fun adventures in two opposing directions – north and south.  That’s a lot of road time upcoming.  I’m prepping with audio books and snacks and plans and little on the road surprises.

I’m crossing my fingers that when we return spring will be waiting on our doorstep.