HomeLife,  Otto Fox Wilder

my son will not appreciate this one day.

For a while Otto has been able to write his own name.

It’s a pretty simple one – what with all those circles and sticks.

It’s always been pretty adorable to me to see him concentrate so seriously and push his pencil forcefully across the paper.

(Or the wall.  Goodness.  Six children.  First one to ever put pen to wall is the last one.)

And he can also spell it out loud for you.

But he’s been slipping a little lately when he signs his name on the page.

And – I’ll tell you what – he does not care for being corrected or for being informed of the word he has actually spelled instead of his own palindrome name.

But it’s just too funny not to laugh.

It’s not O-T-T-O scrawled across his coloring pages.

It’s Toot.


One Comment

  • Gretchen

    Oh, is he not just precious! I think that might just have to be a new nickname! Love it! Oh, I just love how sweet and innocent kids are! LOVE!!!