
Where have you been all week and why are you posting on a Saturday?

Why, thank you for asking.

The answers are . . .

Goodness – I don’t know exactly.  At a couple of birthday parties.  Visiting a pumpkin patch/corn maze on a field trip.  Recovering from a funk some medicine had me under.  Trips to the grocery store and the library and small group.  Craft night.  At home teaching kids about ovoviviparous snakes and Robinson Crusoe.  Hanging up clothes on the line and building a quiet place in the woods with my favorite seldom-quiet people.


I guess because I actually can.  It’s late Friday evening.  I wrapped up season 2 of Parenthood and it seems irresponsible to begin season 3 at post-eleven o’clock.  I miss writing and although my stats show me that I’ve only received a few clicks this week I’m hoping you miss me a little too.  I’ve written before about my need to record – it’s still true.

Anyway, it’s Saturday by now – at least Saturday in its earliest stages.

I’ll be back next week and I hope to share all kinds of posts  – like pumpkin patch pictures and some camping catch ups and the week of bad medicine and the reason why I cry when I watch television.  You know – stuff like that.

If there’s anything you’ve been missing – just let me know – and I’ll fill you in!