HomeLife,  Piper Finn Willow

Would You Rather?

We drove to a wedding in the mountains this weekend.

On the drive across the curvy roads through the gorgeous trees of blazing color, we all played a little car game to pass the time.

It’s called “Would you rather?” and it’s simple.  One person asks the rest of the players which of two bizarre or both awful options they would prefer.

The questions were hysterically funny and I wish I could remember more of them but on curvy mountain roads I am incapable  of recording moments in any other fashion besides my not-to-be-trusted memory.

By far, the title of Creator of the Oddest Questions belonged to little Willow.

(Who has recently discovered her “l’s” by the way.  No longer is “London” pronounced “Yun-din” but now it is officially pronounced “Lon-don” with a curly “l”.  I’m more sad than celebratory.  That’s how it is with fifth kids.)

She asked, “Would you rather have your house be burned down or have to smell dog’s breath?”