
it is true

This is true . . .

Bergen took a bath tonight using his snorkel and scuba mask.

When I asked Otto what letter he learned in school today he said, “Two times”.


I really meant it when I said to my friend, “I don’t mind the Legos strewn across the boys’ bedroom floor.”

I almost refuse to clean out our stove.

Mosely’s camping backpack is still not unpacked from last weekend’s trip.

I frequently forget to return e-mails.

I don’t always know when each child last bathed.

We don’t own a regular vacuum.  We use the shop vac for every day use.

When I hang clothes on the line they sometimes stay out there for days.

Every window in our home is held open by a stick wedged in place.

Otto is three and still sleeping in a crib with the side lowered.  It just fits the space we have better.

Bergen asked to borrow my camera recently to take a picture of a craft he made.  When he was done we scrolled through the photos together.  He told me – “I took this one of me because I thought you needed more of my face.”

The mystery of the non-existent egg-laying this summer has been solved.  We have five roosters!