
Race Day Rundown

We’re out of the woods, back from the wilds.

Now for the race day tale.


It’s a short one.

This is us before the race. (Well. This is them actually, as I couldn’t find anyone per-race to take our picture.)

Kevin took the lead with the double stroller, loaned to us by friends and perfect for the evening.

The rest of the kids followed his lead. I volunteered to bring up the rear.

Kevin and his one hundred pound cargo breezed through the trek. He zigged. He zagged. He cut around behind and between, across and back and forth. It was impressive to behold. The kids followed suit like little ducks in a row. Bergen literally ran circles around us all.

And I kept up the back. Barely.

I struggled to keep up pace with my double stroller pushing husband and my young children. It was rough. Really rough.

Maintaining was all I could (barely) do.

But we started as a family and we ended as a family.

And because of Kevin’s speed, the kids’ endurance and Riley’s prodding – our entire family of eight ran this 5K together faster than I ran my original 5K alone.

When we finished, after we ate our apples and drank our water – Mosely said, “I’m really proud of us for finishing that race. I feel really good about that.”

Me too Mosely.

Me too.