Chaos,  HomeLife

Once Upon A Saturday: A Chicken Story

This weekend these chickens moved into their larger, more luxurious accommodations.

This weekend this chicken smoked us out of our accommodations.

The end.


  • Kevin Keigley

    That burned chicken almost made me lose my lunch (because I had eaten lunch, but not dinner – since the chicken in the pot was supposed to be our dinner).

  • Gretchen

    So, we had chicks for a week and not sure if I care much for taking care of chicks. They kind of smell weird and poop a lot…………, all I have to say is I am not sure how you make time for caring for them? Because I probably am not as busy as you and it was just one more thing. And I do not think I am cut out to be on a farm……………but, I guess if God wanted to change that He could. That is all I have to say about chicks/chickens. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • Rachel

    I baked a chicken last week. It was fresh from the farm. Apparently it didn't need such a hig cooking temp. Oops. Now, every time I turn on my oven, it smells like chicken grease. Not so yummy. But I did rescue the chicken and we were able to eat it. Oh, and there was tons of smoke!!