HomeLife,  HomeSchooling,  Keiglets

these days

These are the types of days

that you can’t manufacture.

The days that I want to

store up

and stack up

until they fall over.

Teetering and towering on the edge.

These are the days that quality time just doesn’t register

and it all comes down to quantity time.

It’s an abundance of time,

plain and simple,

that allowed these four heads to sit around and make up something to do.

It was TV off,

no chores assigned,

afternoon free time

that created this moment.

I can’t fake that and I can’t conjure it up.

And I don’t want to miss it.

It’s so perfect and lovely in its innocence and simplicity.

No plan bigger than to pack a snack of any kind and to go outside with your favorite stuffed animals.

And it may only last an hour,

but it’s such a foundational hour.

Such an incredibly important hour that I could not have scheduled for them.

And I adore it.

I just watch it and let it fill me up and flow over me.

I love these heads.

I love their sweet sweet differences and their gap-toothed smiles and the way Piper can’t pronounce the letter “I” and Mosely says okay as if it should be “ll-kay”.

And i just want to scoop them up but if I stop them and if I tell them how adorable they are – they’ll stop playing.

So I just store it up.

Write it down.

Breathe it in.


  • Anna C

    Dear Lacey,
    I usually read your blog in my reader on my iPhone and I'm lazy so I don't usually leave comments. But I'm actually reading it tonight on a computer, so I just wanted to say hi and that I love your writing and I want to be like you when I grow up. If I grow up.

    • LaceyKeigley

      Why thank you so much.
      I am also a lazy iPhone reader of blogs so I know it is a real treat to receive a comment from someone like us!
      Thank you so much for reading!