must. make. decision.
In case you think I have forgotten about
in naming our family’s newest canine addition,
let me assure you,
I have not.
You guys had some seriously wonderful suggestions.
I had names sent to me through the blog, through facebook and through real face conversations.
Ultimately, Kevin and I had a difficult time agreeing on a name choice.
(Sort of like when we named our babies.)
I pushed for Mr. Rich Man Walden and Kevin held strong for Sgt. Pepper.
I feel like I should give some sort of prize to Joanna for the sheer amount of effort she poured into the idea.
I guess I should confess, we actually settled on a name some time around Friday afternoon.
Uncle Wolfgang Oliver Tax Man.
And so we called this poor little pup that for about forty-eight hours.
And although Uncle Wolfie was a pretty fun name,
it didn’t roll off the tongue as we had hoped and the kids kept referring to him as Ollie anyway.
And then Sunday afternoon rolled around.
Friends gathered to celebrate the two lovely years Otto Fox has been alive and handsome.
Kevin and our friend Ben (Sandbox Builder Extraordinaire) were off chatting when Kevin shouted,
“Uh – we have to change the dog’s name again.
Ben has the perfect suggestion.”
And Ben did.
When he said the name, it just seemed to fit.
And, more telling than anything else,
when the name was stated to the kids,
they cheered and shouted their approval.
Captain Ringo Starry Night.
That’s it.
The final choice.
And I mean that.
Several of our friends have teased us about our dog having an identity crisis.
Maybe little old Ringo will be a bit confused.
But all I can say to that is this-
better him than me.
oh i don't need a prize. an honor just to be nominated.
happy you landed on a keeper.
Marie from Germany
how funny… but the last comment just excuses the confusion you brought upon the little puppy…
by the way – i have an uncle.
his name is Wolfgang!