Otto Fox Wilder

birthday boy. otto fox wilder.

This weekend,

we celebrated our adorable,

exuberantly loud,

youngest son’s second birthday.

And his birthday present was the world’s

(okay, maybe just the neighborhood’s)

largest-ever sandbox.

We’re talking six tons of sand, people.

Six tons.

Which means

we were not only celebrating Fox turning two years old,

but also celebrating the last day I will officially know what a sand-free home feels like.

So if you are planning a visit to our home soon,

bring play clothes.

Because you are sure to get messy.

Oh, little Wilde Fox, happy second birthday sweet man.


  • Hilary

    Haha. I have a love/hate relationship with our sandbox. I've tried ALL sorts of measures to keep sand out of the house. But. It doesn't work.
    Have fun!!

  • Maggie

    This sandbox is AMAZING!!!! I want to come and play soon!!! Except you have ticks there! Uhg, such a delima!

  • Kara

    That sandbox rocks. I know Otto loves his gift, because my 2 year old would be living in that sand box right now!