HomeLife,  Piper Finn Willow

justice: finn style

We have had a serious problem with ticks this summer.

Just short of a plague.

And the conversations in our house as we discover these creepy little creepers have been both ridiculous and hilarious.

But mostly we just joke about how much we dislike them and the various methods in which we hope to destroy them.

(Ticks have made us into a violent family, apparently.)

I imagine this talk has affected our children as well, influencing them in ways I was not aware.

Yesterday as we loitered around outside while Hannah worked tirelessly on the building of our chicken coop, Piper Finn announced her need to use the restroom facilities and her preference for using those facilities outdoors.

I saw no valid reason to disallow this.

(What? You do? Oh well.)

And as my three-year-old daughter hovered inches above the earth as I helped hold her up while she eliminated her body’s waste,

I heard her shout,

“Take that, you ticks!”


  • Lori

    Lacey Keigley, this is probably one of my favorite posts from you. I will list just a few brief reasons why I think so….

    Just when I thought that the Keigley family had said all that there was to say about ticks, you delight your audience with more about this subject.

    I love the words "creepy creepers" – I'm not sure why, but I say these words or some form of them pretty much every day – as in "come over her mr. creepy von creeperson" to one of the children or " don't go too far into the woods, there might be creepers in there" or the obvious "ok, you're creepin' me out" -the list goes on and on, but actually seeing it written made me smile.

    I also love the image of you "loitering" and the other individual working tirelessly…I would love to see an actual demonstration of this.

    I love how kindly you phrased "I helped her take a dump"

    My favorite one being your "rationale" for letting her live out her potty preferences. I too find myself saying "why the heck not" SO many more times than I ever imagined I would before I had 4 children.

    I guess I wasn't so brief after all, but i just thought this post was "special"

    • LaceyKeigley

      I just read this twice.

      And laughed and laughed.

      I seriously assumed we were the only people who put phrases and names together using "von" as a go-between.

      Any time you would like a live demonstration of our loitering ability, you may supply the work and we will supply the loiter.

      I think our entire families need to hang out soon.

  • hannaH

    not just because i love your family and think all your kids are cute and you allow me to hang about your home more than i am at my home some weeks (excluding sleeping)…i think Pipes is possibly the FUNNIEST child i have ever met. for real. and beins i worked with kids directly for about 3 years straight, that makes for a lot of competition.

      • Maggie

        2 bedroom, one bath, we have a bonus room that could pass for a bed room…. yeah I think we could make it work.