HomeLife,  Piper Finn Willow

speaking of . . .

Meet Finn.

Still one of the funniest kids I know.

Lately she has taken to spouting a phrase she has picked up somewhere.

“Speaking of . . . “

She will start sentences with this phrase.

Just toss it in there mid-conversation, before anything she feels she needs to announce.

Sometimes it doesn’t really make any sense.

Such as –

“Speaking of corn,

can I have breakfast now?”

And sometimes the connection is a little clearer.

“Speaking of peanut butter, can I lick some?”

At times, it is straight-up comical.

“Speaking of pants,

where are mine?”


  • Meghan

    love it. that is too too funny! I got tripped up a few weeks back when my 2.8 year old said "wait, mama, I not situated" when I was trying to get her into her bed!