A Five Year Old’s Movie Review: Legend of the Guardians
Boys’ Night is a Big Deal at our house.
At Bergen’s continual request, he and Daddy went to see Legend of the Guardians not too long ago.
In his own words, Berg is going to share about the movie with all the owls . . .
Hit it, Siskel.
Never mind. Tell me about the movie Berg.
I do remember that this owl blended into this black rock.
Was it scary?
It was scary in one part.
Who should not watch this film?
Because it’s too scary.
Were you scared?
Why not?
Because it’s not scary at all for me.
What did Daddy think of it?
He thought it was good. And he fell asleep during the part when the owls flew through the rainy tornado.
What did you do then?
I just kept on watching it.
You didn’t try to wake up Daddy?
No. I told him to wake up at that part where that little owl named Digger fell into the ocean. That’s the part when I woke him up.
Did he stay awake then?
By the way, did you guys eat dinner first?
Yes. At Five Men Burgers.
How was your burger, anyway?
Where did you guys sit at the restaurant?
At the big table with big chairs.
Cool. Do you see want to see the movie again?
Yes, but it’s already gone.
Should we buy it one day?
What was the funniest part?
I liked when Digger had that funny smile.
Which funny smile?
You can’t write it. You have to draw it!
Oh. Okay. Well. Any other details about the movie then, son?
Um. (Intense laughter at being able to read that I just typed “um”.) What are you writing?
Why? Can’t you read fast enough?
(Giggles galore.) No. Mamma. Stop typing. I can’t read that …… stop typing.
(Laughter. More and more laughter. From the gut. My favorite style of Bergen laughter that sounds as if it is spewing forth without control.) Please. Stop typing.
(The giggle confuses me – should I stop? Should I keep typing? He’s laughing so hard and it’s such a great sound.)
Please stop typing Mamma. That’s all I want to say.
You sure?
Yes! (Giggles. More and more giggles.) Gooooogles? Googles? Are you writing googles?
No. Giggles. That’s what I’m typing.
(Bergen exits the room. I guess he’s had enough.)
Grace (Hope)
That made my day
what a wonderful thing – a kids movie review, pure genuis, might i say!
I read your incourage post a few days ago and gotta say u are a fav of mine now… thanks for brightening my little life,
I always wanted to be a homeschooling mum.. maybe i will be oneday .. and i totally think going out in the autumn (thats not fancy lol we call it that in england) is perfectly acceptable and WHY homeschooling is so great! boy do i wish i was homeschooled!
Have a wonderful day.. God bless, Grace x
Thank you so much!
So glad you have been sticking around to keep reading.
You might be my first British reader you know. That has to be worth something.
Oh, I don't have to leave a great big comment…you know how these interviews tickle my fancy.
Too Cute!!!
So glad you like them.
It always just cracks me up to write exactly what they say. You can't make that stuff up!