Well Lookee Here . . .
I know I cannot share these types of stories forever.
And I won’t.
I promise. (Really, sons. I promise. I do.)
(It isn’t about poop. But it is about body parts.)
Wee little man body parts.
Today was a big day for our little Otto Fox Wilder.
Indeed it was.
A day which surely occurs in the life of every young boy,
although perhaps is seldom noticed.
Kevin lifted Fox up for a hug and a quick ceiling touch.
(Otto and Kev play this game. Otto reaches for the sky, points to the ceiling and makes a few grunting noises. Kevin interprets this as his son’s desire to touch the ceiling of wherever we are and lifts Otto’s twenty-two pound self up for him to graze his one inch fingers across said ceiling.)
Mid-ceiling touch I saw an opportunity to get a head start on Otto’s next diaper change. I yanked his orange shorts off on his journey up and unsnapped his wet diaper on the way down.
Suddenly, Otto was pantless and standing on the floor.
At which point, he looked down.
In absolute surprise.
Seriously, you could see the shock in his eyes.
For the first time in his life, he recognized that he is in possession of a small appendage – let’s call it his private parts, shall we?
He reached down to explore.
Looked up at Kevin and I with a face of near bewilderment.
Then sat down quickly to conduct a more secure and closer examination.
I cannot remember when I have laughed so hard.
OMG! Too funny.