Are we predictable?
That’s what it seems our life is.
(Well. Everyone’s life is. Sort of.)
But especially ours.
at least
it seems so lately.
uber unpredictable.
Wildly unpredictable.
Over the top unpredictable.
More unpredictable than anyone else’s.
Do they give a prize for unpredictability?
We win.
It’s not really all that unpredictable.
Maybe just average unpredictable.
Maybe just your average, run-of-the-mill unpredictable.
The kind of unpredictable ordinary lives are made of.
That kind of unpredictable.
Maybe that’s all I mean.
I don’t know.
That’s probably all I mean.
My dad always told me that I tended to be a little too dramatic.
Like I said,
I don’t know.
I do know that there’s one area of enjoyable unpredictability for us lately.
The people who pop into our house.
Last week it was my dad – the gift of a few hours to spend with him as he was trucking his way north.
This week it’s our friend Bob.
And last weekend it was our pals the Buckners.
We go way back – the Buckners and the Keigleys.
So far back, in fact, that we weren’t even the Buckners and the Keigleys.
We were just the Eibert, the Keigley, the Kubina and the Buckner.
And now . . .
well, now – just look at us.
My dad would call us a motley crew.
And we might just be the actual definition of one.
The Buckners were in a town near us for a conference so we met somewhere in the middle-ish. (I called it the middle-ish. Don’t ask David. He will not agree. He’s probably right.)
We met at one of my favorite places and let the kids walk up the hill and run off energy.
Well, the kids who could walk, that is.
A couple of fellas I know took a pretty luxury ride up there.
It’s okay, boys.
You’ll have your turns eventually.
Both to run up the hill and to push some wee ones up one day as well. (Sigh.)
But as for now,
as for last weekend,
our families enjoyed a long overdue reunion of sorts.
London enjoyed getting to know Micah – the newest addition to their clan.
We laughed.
Admired one another’s beautiful offspring.
Tried to get some chatting done between chasing kids and pushing strollers and petting goats.
Marveled at the changes time works on us all.
And posed for the same picture we pose for every time we happen to see one another –
Mandi with her Mini-Mandi born in the month of August in the year 2007 and Me with my Mini-Lacey born in the month of August in the year 2007.
The End.
Wyndee Holbrook
As one who well remembers when you were "just the Eibert, the Keigley, the Kubina and the Buckner, I can't begin to say how fun and exciting it was to read and see this post!
Yes. Yes.
Someone who knew us all When.
And you did know us – didn\’t you?
How wonderful it is to be remembered . . . and known.
Unpredictable sounds fun! Cute pictures! I like your hair long! I do not ever think I have seen it that long!!! Enjoy!
Thanks G.
You\’ve probably never seen my hair long because it has never been long.
It was fun to see Mandi and her gang!