Bergen Hawkeye,  HomeLife

in the name of love

Things I Have Done In The Name Of Love . . .

Walked through Goodwill as it was closing (and the employees were announcing approaching closing time over and over) while searching for the new orca whale owned and then lost by one young Bergen Hawkeye Norton.  (Yes, that orca whale.  He’s had a hard life.  And – I looked up the  phrase “orca whale”.  Saying both is pretty superfluous.  They both mean the same thing.  Orca means whale.  But Berg calls it his orca whale.  And I like Berg.  So I just plan to call it what he calls it.  Because I can.)

Searched the kid’s clothing aisle  where we had stood for a long while.

No orca whale.

Traveled over to the dress section where I had forced the kids to hover near the cart for a few minutes while I found a few cute deals.

No orca whale sighting.

Sighed heavily.

Avoided making eye contact with every Goodwill employee as I knew I looked as if I was trying to steal something.

Forced myself to check the dressing room area despite the fact that the loudspeaker had just informed everyone within hearing distance that the dressing rooms were no longer open.

No orca whale.

Prepared myself to tell Bergen that his orca whale is no longer his orca whale.  Instead, it will shortly belong to whatever little boy discovers it at the Goodwill.

Stepped back once to check a video rack I saw Bergen prancing near as I checked out a few minutes ago.

No orca whale.

Or – wait.

Something was lying just under the edge of that shelf.

Something small.

Something black and white and orca whale shaped.

Ah, yes.

The orca whale.

I grabbed my prize.

Exited the store

and earned my evening’s title



Orca whale saver.

All for the love of a five year old.


  • Gretchen

    So today, yes today I took two of my crew to the mall play area. Hezekiah left Mickey Mouse and Boba Fett Mr. Potato Head at the play area. Maggie, Hezekiah, and I were already to the car getting inside the car and he says, "Where are my toys?" I said, "You must have left them." Wanting to just get in the car, I said well we need to go back and get them. So we did and thankfully untouched! So surprising that no child in the play area had even found them or was playing with them. I understand, I too was preparing in my head to tell Hezekiah that he no longer had those toys…….but thankfully God had other plans! 🙂

    • laceykeigley

      Hilarious that you experienced that today!

      But I know how much Hezekiah loves his little guys so I bet he was really grateful! 🙂