The Best
Piper likes to say, “You’re the best, Mom.”
And then she adds, “You’re the best mom in the whole world!”
Then I say, “No”
and she says,
“Yes, you are!”
It’s an adorable game.
she’s wrong,
of course.
I am not the best mom.
Not in the whole world.
Not in the United Sates.
Not in South Carolina.
Not in my neighborhood. (I don’t exactly live in a neighborhood.)
the best mom
in my own house some days.
I am not.
In truth,
I am only
the best
mom in my little Willow’s eyes
I am the
she has ever known.
That’s it.
Not the best,
just the only.
(Which is as good as the same to her two-year-old perspective.)
I’m her reference.
For better or for worse.
Like some sort of marriage contract.
(Only more permanent.)
Piper is only two.
She doesn’t have enough knowledge of moms in general to compare me with other moms.
She isn’t sixteen, like some kids at our house, who look at the mothers of their friends and think (and say), “His mother doesn’t care if he listens to the radio while driving” or “Her mother always lets her wear whatever she wants” and “Her mom just bought her a new car”.
She isn’t even sixalmostseven yet and making bold declarations like someone I know. “When I have kids, I am going to let them eat donuts for breakfast every day” or “When I am a mom, my children will be allowed to sleep with me every night”.
As far as moms go, Piper is only an expert on Me.
All too soon her horizons will broaden. Her view will be less restricted.
I will be exposed.
The gig will be up.
My status as “Best Mom in the World” may be lost – or tarnished at best.
For now,
I like the game.
I like the false sense of self it allows me to feel.
In a world where praise is too often closely guarded,
I’ll take my accolades where I can find them.
Even my fleetings ones.
The naive proclamations from a little girl who just hasn’t seen enough to know yet.
Thanks, Piper.
“You’re the best too.”
darrell powell
OK Lacey you have got to start publishing some of this stuff. Do you still have records of all the blogs you have written?
darrell Powell
Thanks Darrell.
I do have records of it all.
Now I just need time.
Marie from Germany
thumbs up for publishing!!! and i want these books over here in Germany, too!!!!
Thanks Marie!
You should translate it for me!
Lecia Smith
Hope still thinks I am the best mom too. Ryan and Erica think otherwise, because they are teenagers. My older kids now come back and tell me I am the best mom once again. Well, at least sometimes. So there is still hope!
Marie from Germany
Dear Lacey, i love this post. (as i do in 99% of reading
From a "grown up" and "not yet mom" point of view, you may believe Piper Finn. Really. Because even today – after 25 years having known my mom – i am still convinced she is the best mom in the world. Very romantic… But true. I wrote a birthday card for my mom today. And i just wrote down, that she is who she is. But she is the best to me.
I have compared, of course. We have discussed and fought not too serious and very serious arguments about small issues and life itself. And i have shaken my head upon her point of view and the sadness of not feeling understood.
But at the bottomline, she is best. And she will always be best. Because she raised me. Because of her i am the person i am today. And that is just love.
Oh Marie.
Thank you.
And what a lovely truth about moms – we do love them, don’t we?
How humbling and how profound.
And I am so glad you told your mom just what you think about her. She can probably never hear this too often.
Sarah Mann
I think this is what inspires me to love more, do more, and sacrifice more as a mom. When I see the way my boys look at me with their big eyes and smile, when they ask me for a hug, when they want a kiss for an owie, when they bring me a toy to fix (for the millionth time)…I know they think I'm the best. Even though I know I'm not, it motivates me to make every effort to live up to their expectations. Once again, Lacey, your writings bring a bright spot to my day. I just love you and your family!!
It definitely makes me want to be the mom they believe I am.
I agree!