
go there.

I have so many funny friends that I can no longer keep track.

Wait – that’s not really true.

But I do have some mostly funny friends, some pretty funny friends, some occasionally funny friends and some consistently funny friends.  (Are you wondering which you are?)

My friend Tyler is consistently funny.  Which means all the time.  He is funny all the time.

And he is humoring me today by allowing me to write a post over at his site.

So you can go read my post if you would like by clicking right here. 

And then you should stick around and read Tyler’s stuff.  Especially his I Already Know A Lot About You series.  It’s my favorite.


  • Gretchen

    All I have to say is you REALLY must visit a lot of blogs to have that much insight and wisdom. You are silly!!! I guess I have been muted too…….. :)…………ha ha ha! I too do not know or really understand the DS or DD references are those games or something? No clue there about what you are writing about. But I really do not understand any of the LOL or abbreviated terms………let me just say I am CLUELESS. But I guess we all have our critiques on things. Funny you are!! And what is his book that you are editing? Let me know when it is published. Fun!

    • laceykeigley

      The DS means Darling Son or Darling Daughter and I have no idea why that ever got started.
      Tyler did publish his book – it’s called Every Day Absurdities. It’s linked on his website.
      And you know I love reading your blog – music or not!!! Your kids are just so cute and funny.

  • nikkie

    ok, i went there. very cool.


    you've been muting me this whole time?

    i've always wondered if that bugged people. the music, i mean.

    now, i'm enlightened and i will ponder…

    thanks : )