running makes me think
I think the fact that I am finding running to be a Good Idea For Me is for three basic reasons.
And those are . . .
1. If I exercise more, I can eat more. And I, like my little Scout, enjoy food. I like Cadbury Cream Eggs. And mashed potatoes, crusty bread dipped in olive oil, red velvet cake, grilled cheese sandwiches served with scrambled eggs, Riley’s hand crafted peach crepes, Kevin’s (and Leanne’s) salsa with multi-grain chips, strawberry jam, Mellow Mushroom pizza, Thaicoon spring rolls and pasta any way you toss it.
2. When I run I have the freedom to think. I’m running. I cannot do many other things. There’s no real multi-tasking when your arch-less size 8.5 feet are pounding across a trail. And some days – I just need to think. To have the freedom to finish a whole and complete thought without interruption. It’s a gift. And in this season of my journey, it’s rare.
3. I like me better when I’m moving. I’m not really a stand-still kind of girl. I like plans. I like life to be dynamic, not static. But I cannot always ever control life. Nor its ebb or flow. But I know this – I like me better when I am in motion. And if I can just even be in physical motion a portion of each week, I’ll take that. For now.
Good for you!! It's nice that there's a small chunk of life that can be kept moving : )!! Your girls look unbelievably sweet! Nice pic.
Thank you – I DO think it is such a sweet photo too. Of course I know I am biased, but they just looked so sweet somehow.
But yes, I totally agree exercise to eat, exercise to eat. Ha ha ha!!
I ran 2 miles today…….oh wait let me correct myself…..jogged……I am so excited. But seriously I do not like running.
Good for you G!
I ran two also. (jogged/walked/whatever!)
And you and your triathlon- amazing!! I’d love to do that with you!!!
Why don't you do it with me? July 24th!!! It is a Saturday. You just have to swim 100 yards, bike 4 miles, and run/jog/walk 2 miles. That would be fun!!!
I have been out of the real running world for a few years now. Just takes so much mental fortitude, of which for the past two years, I have been short. Real short, that is.
But, just last week, I made a decision to lace up the running shoes again and regained my running ability.
Somehow, it's coming back. Slow but sure.
And I'm thankful. Thankful for the time to think, too. Once I get going, it clears my head.
That's mostly the reason I crave it. For the head clearing reasons.
So much mental energy.
You are right.
And Hoorah! for running today!!!