The 3 R’s
It’s elementary, right?
My favorite three r’s are not reading, writing or arithmetic. (Besides, I think it says something about American education that we ever even used the phrase “the three r’s” to describe three words of which only one correctly begins with an “r”. But maybe I’ll blog about that later.)
And, despite my green efforts, I’m not even talking about reduce, reuse and recycle.
There are three other r’s that have been changing and shaping and altering the life I know.
Those are my favorite “r” words.
I love them.
And every day I feel as if my life is more defined by them than it was the day before. (Or, perhaps more accurately, every day I desire to feel as if my life is more defined by them than the day before.)
I believe God is all about redeeming all things (songs, people, stories . . . all things) for His purpose.
He’s all about reconciling every situation, every struggle to His glory.
His business is to be about restoring every little thing (nature, thoughts, actions . . . every little thing) to its rightful position of honoring His name.
And if God is all about those three r’s, then I want to be all about them too.
I want to watch God redeem sinful choices and stupid mistakes in my past.
I want to see beauty from the ashes. Because some days I can’t stop asking myself, “What if all I have are ashes? Just ashes? What if there is no beauty? What if some fictional phoenix never rises out of this mess and all I have are these dirty ashes to contend with?”
I don’t want that.
I want redemption.
I long to see reconciliation.
In relationships. In attitudes. In circumstances. In nature itself.
And then finally, to see God’s acts of restoration.
Bringing all things to Him.
Revealing purpose in the pain. Healing from the hurt. For sin to have its ultimate demise and peace (shalom) to have its ultimate reign.
Those three r’s.
That’s the stuff.
I like the R — Road trip! But I must say that I am living proof of beauty from ashes my friend and you are too! Love you! G
Stacy Finnigan
Just another confirmation of why we're friends.
ok, i'm driving to wherever it is you live and we are having some coffee.
wait~do you drink coffee? it's ok. have a coke. or a tea. or whatever. let's just visit.
i like the 3 R's too, lacey. i like them alot. and i'm seeking the Lord for more of them in my life.
thanks for sharing this. thank you.
Well. I don't drink coffee. But I'll have a smoothie with you.
Kevin Keigley
Didn't Jack Johnson write a song about the 3 R's?
He did.
Wait…that was Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
At least those words start with "R", right?
Mary Hess
Great post!!|| RT @SoEveryDay: The 3 R's – not THAT kind of education.
Shelley in SC
Love those 3 words. Love watching the creativity of a great God as He puts those 3 words into action every day. It's amazingly beautiful to see!
Mary Hess
~ Great post by @SoEveryDay today. The 3 R's (and it ain't what you think!) – it's a must read:
This is SO true and I love your take on the 3 R's. I firmly believe this in my life as well and have been watching God do it (for me and through me) this last year. Thanks for sharing! I'm really enjoying getting to know you through the blog and tweets!
And I appreciate your “following” me on Twitter and reading all this stuff!
It makes me feel like maybe my purpose is a little larger than laundry and meals!