HomeLife,  Mosely Ella Claiborne,  Piper Finn Willow

How We Roll

Recently Mosely asked if she could dress Piper Finn for our day’s outing.

I said yes.

Not only because I like to encourage sisterly love and older sibling helping, but because it was a busy morning.  Kevin was out of  town.  Breakfast had not been served.  (Or, more accurately, breakfast had not been passed out in cellophane wrapped squares.  Hey, I think they were organic pop tarts, does that make it better?  Who cares – right?)  I still had to dress Wilder.  London couldn’t find her other Chuck Taylor and Bergen was not satisfied with the choice of button up shirts I had placed on the table for him to wear.

Frankly, I was grateful for the help . . .  even of the six-year-old variety. I’ll take what I can get.

So when these sisters emerged from Finn’s bedroom with a self-pronounced “Princess of the Lord”  (her words – not mine), who was I to complain?

Did I say she needed to change clothes?

No.  I did not.

Did I let my two-year-old wear a former flower girl summer dress in March?

Yes.  I did.

Did I stop her from finishing out the ensemble with Mosely’s Mickey Mouse princess hat with streaming ribbon?

No.  Of course not.

And did this sweet princess maintain her attire for the entire day, which included a morning at Bible Study, a trip to a restaurant and an afternoon at the park?

Yes.  Yes, she did.

And do I love that kid all the more for it?

Yes.  Yes, I do.