Berg Is All Boy
I cannot say that I remember much about high school biology. (Sorry Mrs. Hendricks, it’s just true – okay?)
And my final thoughts are still on hold about the entire nature vs. nurture argument.
But this I do know.
My son Bergen Hawkeye is all boy.
All boy.
I have done very little, if anything, to directly influence boy-like behavior in this four year old wonder.
I have not personally ever purchased a toy gun for my son. Nor a bow and arrow. Or a toy hatchet or knife or whatnot. (Of course, Berg does own these items. I have just never thought to purchase them.)
But, listen (especially my brothers), I don’t think you need to worry about this fellow being all boy.
Because he already is.
He’s just wired that way.
The evidence is mounting higher each passing day.
And even if I don’t buy toy guns . . . no matter, Hawkeye’s innate boy-ness will figure out a way.
We heard the distinct sound of Legos clicking together well after lights out a few nights ago. Upon further inspection, Kevin discovered that Hawke was creating Lego weapons. Guns in primary colors. All sizes and shapes. A munitions factory in his bedroom. After lights out. The only appropriate time to mass produce weapons of destruction – right?
And as if we needed more proof . . .
Yesterday he drew a picture for Kevin. Put it on his daddy’s pillow (the kids’ favorite spot for storing Daddy-Treats).
I asked him to explain his drawing to me.
“Mommy, it’s a dinosaur. A triceratops. And he has really big teeth. I drew his teeth very sharp. And I drew them with red dripping all over them because that is the blood from all the animals he is eating.”
I don’t think we have to worry about Bergen’s sense of self.
He knows he is a boy.
And he’s just fine.
Shelley in SC
Yep, it's genetic. And one of the most fun things about kids is getting to see a whole different side of God's glory in their male-ness and their female-ness!
I am so glad that you have boys! Because they are so fun and different and now you can totally relate to me!
ha ha ha!
Kevin Keigley
If the boyness level of my son is indicative of my level of manliness, then I think this comment should be growing a beard any second.