HomeLife,  Piper Finn Willow

From Her Point of View

We were having tacos for dinner.

Piper was sitting near Kevin.

Kevin prefers his tacos in the style of a taco salad.

Piper looked at Kevin’s plate, piled with crushed taco shells and all the toppings.

And she asked,

“Daddy, why are you eating compost?”


  • Helen Rutrough

    Do you remember eating strawhats (probably at CHA or with someone associated with CHA)? Piper really would think that was a compost pile! HA.

    • laceykeigley

      Oh yes – I remember hot lunches and straw hats (and Easter eggs – too). Those were so me good times.
      And yes, I am pretty sure straw hats very closely resemble our compost pile.