Now, THAT Was A Good Time

Friendship is a sheltering tree.
-Samuel Coleridge
There are just some people that you love to be around – aren’t there?
People who make you laugh. Who make you feel good about being exactly who you are. Encouragers. People who are not naively optimistic but yet exude warmth and cheerfulness and hopefulness.
I have a friend like that. And this past week she and her two adorable boys came to our house to hang out for a few days.
We did a lot of silly little things (pretended our kitchen was an internet cafe and played on our laptops simultaneously).
We seemed to eat a lot of food (like creating hilarious squids for the kids’ lunches which consisted of hotdog chunks with spaghetti noodle tentacles, crafting the absolute best caramel popcorn which we very tempted not to share and making homemade pizzas where Emma threw the crusts in the air which will make my children even less impressed with me the next time we make pizzas and I cannot perform on demand).
We accomplished a thing or two (organizing the bundles of baby boy clothes from our many sons to pass on to the newest-not-yet-born Wickstrum boy and helping design and write some ideas for each of our websites – yet to be revealed).
And we even did some wild and crazy activities (like Emma rode the Look Up swing for the first time and only screamed a little and we both joined a silly group of others to become the first members of the Look Up Lodge Polar Bear Club by jumping into the lake on 1.23 at 4:56 p.m.).
The kids had some big experiences as well. Bergen and Cole enjoyed an all-boys sleepover. Beckett and Piper tried their first sleepover, but it ended badly. Piper and Beckett also discovered that they can each hold their own against one another. Uh-oh.
Really, it was just a super swell visit.
Emma may have been tired when she left, but I sure hope she thinks it was worth it too!
i gotta tell ya, Lace. I read your intro and i was a little surprised your "secret friend" wasn't me. i've always characterized myself as niavely optimistic. hmmmm.
Emma Joersz
it WAS a good time! the boys had a blast, we had fun…all around a great visit! thanks for having us!
Rachael Slade
i like this friend of yours lacey!!! what a grea thing to have, a GOOD friend!!!! you are blessed
Erik & Sarah
I wanna go next time!
Thanks for having my family for an extended visit. From what i can tell, they had an absolute blast and needed a "rest" day yesterday to make up for it.
We appreciate your guys friendship and i look forward to coming along the next time she makes this trip.