Some Things
This is just a photo.
Of the cutest tiny baby I have seen today.
We have been busy.
A lovely visit from Papaw and Uncle John.
A butterfly class at a children’s museum for London and Mosely – worth the money to hear Mosely talk about a chrysalis.
Teaching Riley how to play Risk – and dominating her in the process.
Getting a hair cut and highlights – a first time experience for me.
Chauffeuring Riley back and forth to tutoring.
Chauffeuring Kevin back and forth to Look Up on days the rain has been too hard or the hour too late to be riding his bike on a highway. (The Tahoe is having, uh, issues.)
Shopping for groceries.
Rearranging furniture to make way to put the sewing machine up in our bedroom, even though I am terribly incompetent at that machine.
Eating sweet South Carolina peaches.
And so on and so forth.
Just enjoy gazing at this little face – the face of a fellow who is sleeping through the night! (Can you do a little dance with me, please?)
Shelley in SC
Lacey, if I don't kiss the top of that little warm head immediately, I'm going to have a meltdown! He is adorable. And I can't even believe what a profitable day you have had!! Wow, you've packed a lot in!
Emma Joersz
Little Otto, you rock! Cole, Beck & I are dancing for you guys right now!
Erik & Sarah
i'm doing my little happy dance too. yay!
do you see me? shaking my booty with you?
…. i am dancing with you!!!!