procrastinating, a survey for you and the ramblings of life
Procrastination is for real, you guys.
I mean – you might think it’s just for college students or something.
It. Is. Not.
Right now I am putting off completing an article I need to turn in.
And putting off shifting the laundry from the washing machine to the dryer.
Delaying folding the heap of clean clothes on top of the dryer.
The dishwasher needs to be loaded and the kitchen table is no longer a location for family dinners, but instead is a holding tank for the flotsam and jetsam of returning from a Virginia weekend.
I’ve got stuff to do, you guys, but what am I doing instead?
Oh, I don’t know.
Looking at a book from the library about curly hair.
Thinking about redesigning this blog space with a cleaner look.
(Suggestions for a great blog designer, anyone?)
Paying bills – because suddenly that seems more important than any other task.
Making grocery lists.
Wondering why my laptop seems slow to cooperate – anyone able to solve this riddle for me?
Shoot – writing this post is serving as a pleasant distraction.
On a sidenote – and chasing down the procrastination trails – if you have a minute and you are a fellow homeschooler ….. would you mind completing this 7-question survey from Timberdoodle? (Timberdoodle is a homeschool supplies company.)
They are looking for 35 bloggers to serve on their 2016 blogging review team for their website. I’d like to try my hand at being one of those bloggers. You know how I love to review products and you know how I love to have opinions so it seems a pretty good fit.
If you mention this blog by name – it will help me out quite a bit. (And if it serves you as an opportunity to procrastinate whatever you need to be doing – we’ll call it a win all around.)
At any rate.
January is practically over and how can that be true and I have come to terms with the fact that at forty-two years of age, it is unlikely I will ever be an early riser. I like planning a menu more than I like cooking the food and my two twelve-year-old daughters are both pretty much at eye level with me right now. Also, food tastes better in the winter and three day old snow really isn’t any better than pouring rain.
I think I’ve done enough damage here for one night.
Ohhh—a great blog designer?? I know one! Her name is Bethany Beams and she was on the For the Love launch team. I’m in a writers group on FB with her. If you want, I’ll get you added and you can chat with her. (It’s a lovely group of gals who share writing and blogging resources and strategies abundantly.)
I would love to talk with her – thank you SO much!
One quote I still recall from a long-time-ago-teacher, “Procrastination is the assassination of motivation”. I actually say this now. To myself.
it’s true.
let’s make t-shirts.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I remember when I was a teen I liked to “sleep in”. The old codgers always told me that the older you get the less sleep you will need. “I get up at 4am every morning”, etc. etc.
Well now that I am officially retired and am pretty close to being an old codger myself, guess what?… I still love to stay up late and to “sleep in”. Reading books, watching a movie, sipping hot chocolate while conversing with my wife late at night, that’s what I am wired for and that’s what I enjoy! No apologies.
I just love that one of your favorite evening events is conversing with your wife. That is such a lovely gift!
And yes – night owls unite!
done : )
Thank you!