
a glimpse

This weekend we spent a couple hours at the new house – painting here and there and measuring this and that.

(Will our fridge ever fit through the tiny back door?)

Partly to keep her busy and partly to record a few “before” photos, I sent London around the house with my phone and instructions to snap a few shots.

This is mostly what I got.

I was kind of alarmed when I studied the photos at how much work the house does actually need.

But kind friends have encouraged us and Kevin and I keep talking about the potential.

I didn’t end up with many usable photos, actually, but I wanted to share a glimpse anyway.

Of the front.

It’s sort of an Anne of Green Gables kind of house, isn’t it?

And you have to love any home that resembles a literary classic – right?

The kitchen currently has wood paneling.

Well, it currently has wood paneling with about six strokes of bright yellow paint on them because I just had to see how the color would look.

And this is the kitchen sink.

I am thinking about some basic tiles behind the sink there.  I was leaning towards the type of tiles you use on a floor because they are low cost and wipe off easily.  Plus, I think that’s sort of fun.

(Do you see my homemade soap dispenser featuring my homemade hand soap?  I’ll tell you about that project later.)

In the corner of the kitchen is a pantry-type shelf thing.

I’ll probably use it as a food pantry as there is not an overabundance of shelves in the kitchen anyway.

It’s good storage and I can also use the top area for storing and decorating as it is open up there.

What do you think I should do with the outside of the pantry though?

Should I simply paint it the same bright yellow as the walls?   Take the doors off and add curtains?  Make it a chalkboard?  (Except the panel grooves would drive me crazy.)  Paint it a bright turquoise color I’ve had my eye on lately?

This concludes the tiny tour of the new home for now.

Next time I’ll man the camera myself and take a few more photographs and seek a few more opinions.


What do you think so far?


  • Gretchen

    It is just adorable!!! You will have so much fun redecorating to your tastes!!! So much fun!!! Yeah!!! So exciting!!!

  • Lisa

    You are the creative genious, so I'm sure whatever you come up with will look great. I had to chuckle when you mentioned the "potential" of your new home. That has to be a bit of your dad coming out in you! Dwayne and I think of him fondly every time the "p" word is brought up…..

    • LaceyKeigley

      Oh Lisa!

      What a treat to see your name among the comments!!! (I didn't even realize you visited the blog!)

      Yeah – potential was like a curse word growing up. I've had to have a lot of therapy to get to the point of using it myself!

  • @mommymcg

    It IS Anne-ish. YAY!! So excited for you! Now that I have seen it I will be thinking of names – it is definitely a name-able house!! I love turquoise chalkboard paint idea – the doors would be really easy to replace with something solid. So very excited for you guys. And there is something so fun about fixing up a house to make it "yours" Thank God for pinterest! 😉

  • Kristen Lavinder

    You can fill the grooves in the paneling with dry wall putty…. then sand and prime and paint. We've done it and it turns out pretty good!

  • jehatter

    Another side note…still paint with chalkboard paint…but there are 4 panels on each cabinet door…So 8 ceiling to floor columns or 16 individual total…you could use the top and bottom cabinets as notes for each family member…each family member gets their own column/wood panel…. 🙂 Just an idea to work with what you got.

  • jehatter

    I am excited for you guys! All the projects are exciting but I know overwhelming for you too. Just take on thing at a time. I do love the fact that it resembles Anne of Green Gables' house. You should name it something fantastic! 🙂 On the cabinet doors…You could just replace the doors with a flatter wood to chalkboard. Just save the hardware and use the old doors as your template on the new/used wood. Then you could paint them in turquoise chalkboard paint! 🙂 Can't wait to see more photos! Love the front door!

    • LaceyKeigley

      Naming it – oh yes – that is the plan. Maybe I'll solicit ideas in another post.

      Does your home have a name? I think all old houses should.

      Turquoise chalkboard paint? Now THAT is a great idea. And Maggie just told me how to create that look. Hmmm. That seems really fun.

  • D Morgan

    Would it be possible to fill the panel groves on the pantry door with a putty of some sort and then sand the whole door? You could then make it a chalkboard!