God's Pursuit of Me


Sometimes I struggle with how much to share on this little space.

And I’ve been pretty distracted the last few weeks.

Some rather large changes are knocking at our door. (The theoretical door, mind you – not the literal brown metal one that allows us entrance to our home.  That door, however, was broken last week.  Just broken.  So broken that we couldn’t go in or out.  It’s fixed now, however, in case you’re planning a visit.)

I’m excited to share some of those impending changes but most of that sharing is sitting on a shelf for a little longer.

This is a public blog, after all, not a diary.  (Nor a diarrhea.)

My current struggle is one I have visited before.

It’s an impatience on God’s timing and it’s an over eagerness to plan everything myself.

I like details.

And right now our life is a wee bit short on details.

We are in a waiting time.

So I fight to maintain present in the Now and lightly grasp the Future.

I need all the reminders I can get to be still.

To know.


  • Shelby

    Lacey, I just read this post and I can't tell you how much I needed it today. Blog stalking did great service this time!! Thank you for how much you and your sweet family means to me!!!

  • Sally

    I love, just love how you write. (is there a comma after that second "love"?) Your line of thought and sidenotes are exactly how I go — finally, SOMEONE else who gets it.
    On a much less selfish note,
    I can't wait to hear the news. I mean, I already have a couple ideas in mind of what it could be. Any clues for your loyal readers? Maybe that would take the fun out of it. And I am not one to slam the door on fun. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing what you do, and what others in your home do. heh, heh:)
    No, seriously, I mean it. I like to read aboutcha!

    • LaceyKeigley

      I just love how you make me feel so great with your comments.
      Just love it.
      Thank you.

      I'll think on it.