London Eli Scout

a little late night change

Sometimes it is only in retrospect that you recognize a moment that signifies a shift in your story.

But sometimes,

when you are right smack dab in the middle of the moment,

you know something noteworthy is happening.

It’s not necessarily a life changing moment,

so much as it is a moment that will define a time period.

You know,

like the summer my family moved to the dairy farm when I turned 11

or the time I wore hot pink glasses for an entire year.

That kind of moment.

Last night, Kevin and I stayed up veryveryvery late helping London create just such a moment.

We took our little girl –

this one.

And we took this product . . .

and we dramatically changed the way our nearly eight-year-old looks.

(Disclaimer: It was her idea.  We made her wait  for a while to see if she really wanted it.  We watched videos online of how to create the look and discussed at length with London the potential hazards and repercussions of said hair decision.)

We didn’t finish the process until after one a.m.

So not only did London Eli get a new hairstyle, she was allowed to stay up later than she ever has in the history of her life.

And one day, many years from now, a more grown-up version of our currently little Scout will be telling her tale and she will say,

“Yeah, it was the summer I turned eight when my parents allowed me to get dreadlocks.”