What Would You Name This Dog?
I guess I am pretty much in love with our new puppy.
I mean, I took the silly dog to the auto shop with us to have the Suburban’s oil changed last week.
I don’t know why I did that.
He just seemed so sad and lonely in his little puppy kennel.
We are in the middle of trying to house train the wee little man.
(Emphasis on the “wee”.)
House training a puppy is not all that different from potty training a kid.
Both activities at which I do not excel.
Both requiring cloth diapers.
Wait – that’s not really true.
Except we are using the kids’ old cloth diapers as clean up cloths now.
So there’s that.
However, this post is not about Sir Oliver Twist and Shout’s bathroom mishaps.
Not his mishaps – but about his name, actually.
We love his name.
It’s funny and cute and the kids are adamantly opposed to changing it.
His name, although quirky and fitting, is becoming a problem for me.
It is, in fact, testing my sanity.
That’s true.
Because of his name’s similarity to that of our youngest son’s, I am struggling to separate the two monikers on my tongue.
At first, it was funny.
Now, it is not.
I have called my second-born son Otto-ver one too many times.
I have referred to the dog as Ottie. Oliver Fox. Or just plain Otto.
And that’s making me tired.
And what I do not need during the summer (or any season, for that matter) is another reason to be tired or frustrated or confused.
Which is why we are considering an official Change of Name for this furry fella.
Kevin and I like Dr. Watson.
Berg says he can only agree to the name change if the choice is Ringo.
(But we will not be blackmailed by our children. Yet.)
Otto chooses Gecko.
And Riley has no idea of our dilemma as she has been on a school trip to D.C. for the majority of this conflict.
So I am asking for your help.
A consensus of suggestions.
Take a look at this affectionate and wise-eyed puppy.
What should we (re)name him?
Let me refresh your memories on some of the guidelines of naming this Keigley pet.
1. No need to limit yourself to one name.
2. In fact, I love names with a first and last name combined. My favorites currently are Henry David Thoreau and Leonardo DaVinci.
3. Titles have a strong pull for me as well. You know – Sir, Mr., King, Duke, Uncle, Dr., The.
4. A Beatles reference must be included in his full name. (We have previously used Sadie, Sunshine, Silver Hammer, Rigby, Birthday Cake and the Number 9.)
5. Try to avoid a name that begins with the letter of any of our children’s names. I’m crossing my fingers for a “Z” idea.
I think that’s it.
You guys are funny! I read both your blogs and enjoy them thoroughly.
Ziva…from that show that I don't watch, but I know her name is Ziva. There ya go.
Sir Walter B. Good
How about Colonel Mustard? As in Colonel Mustard, on the living room floor, with the old cloth diaper.
Sarah D.
Besides our own Mr. Sampson Pants, my favorite dog name is Dewey, also known as Dewsters.
Mr. Rich Man Walden.
i keep saying it out loud. and i love it. i think i need to get a dog now. just for my name idea.
This is great.
Because it also appeals to my desire for a literary name – what with Walden and all.
i know. i saw your henry david and thought walden. and i just love the name walden. and that last photo of him looks like he's livin it up. he's got it all.
i meant to do a little exclamation there, like "i know!" and instead it came out… differently. ah the importance of punctuation. this is such a fun game. i keep trying to think of a new one- with all criteria. hmm…
and i love that this name is making you tired. i know that feeling. when i'm looking at my son and can't get the right name out– it makes me tired.
I love that you're still thinking about it.
And exclamations do matter!
Work on a "z" idea. You know, if you need inspiration.
We liked Mr. Mustard too, for a few minutes.
oh i've been trying. i wish he was a girl- Zora. perfect. and Zeus… doesn't seem to fit that little face. so i've got Zion (Gene Zion. Harry the Dirty Dog) and that's it. Sir Zion Blackbird. ooh! what about Doc Wild Honey Zion…
i still like my first one best.
yup. this has taken up probably way too much of my limited mental space today. yes i did text a friend to help me come up with literary references starting with the letter 'z' and, yes, i did pull up a nice alphabetical list of all beatles songs.
i love words. and that's how i will justify this. it's so much fun!!
I don't know why, but when you mentioned titles, "Cousin It" came to mind! LOL
I think he reminds me of "Benji".
My sister has a dog named Sissy, but she'd pee on the carpet so much, they call her "Whizzer" now.
My grandfather named an adopted dog "Sooner", because "She'll sooner poop on the carpet than outside."
Some of my all time favorites are "Deeohgee" (Get it?? D-O-G), "Mr. Woofus", "Riddle", and (I kid you not) "Your Momma". That last one came from a science teacher in High School. He said he got the inspiration from his students. AKC registered as "Your Momma"!! LOL He loves it when people ask him his dog's name.
Cousin It would be hilarious. And he sort of resembles him.
Your names are so funny. We have friends with a cat named "D-O-G". Your Momma is about the best though. Classic.
I say Sgt. Pepper. Covers 3 of the 5 suggested guidelines.
Oh yes – that is a good one and covers so many bases!
He looks like a Sherlock Holmes to me.
You can call him Puddles
We have a dog named Isis (who came with her name) and then we got a puppy and named her Astrid because we liked the name and it went well with Isis. Then we fostered two kittens and named them Esther and Oswald. The first few months (you know, when we were constantly yelling at Astrid), I would go through the whole list of names and just end up yelling into her poor little face, "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR NAME??" Now we call her Turd and it works well.