distraction #42
I am too sick and too tired to be clever.
Our home looks a bit like a war zone and we are its casualties.
I am grateful to a couple of good friends who stopped by the house with beverages and soups and so many others who have made kind offers.
While we rest and get better,
just take a look at these shots of our little Wilde Fox of an Otto.
Marvel with me at how handsome he is.
Admire what a fantastic photographer Emma is and how she captures his quirky little looks.
And notice how much Otto adores his hat made by Aunt Sarah.
Seriously. He has not allowed the hat to be removed from his head (except for bathing purposes) since last Thursday when he received said hat.
He sleeps in it.
When he wakes up and it has fallen off, he points to the hat, points to his head and makes it quite clear that the two should be meeting up together again.
Ahh, these pictures are making me feel better already.
Hope you all are feeling better!
Yay for little gifts like hand made hats and the precious tiny heads that wear them!