bitter vs. me.
It’s a battle.
Maybe mine alone.
(But I kind of doubt that.)
It’s me in one corner and bitterness in the other.
And sometimes I just want to lie down and hand my opponent the title.
You win,
I’d tell him.
Just standing in my corner looking at you makes me weak.
It’s a fight I’ve been in before.
And one that I particularly am bent to repeat, it seems.
I’m about as tired of bitter as I am of fear.
Except I don’t seem to be fighting it nearly as well.
I don’t think I know where to start.
Sharideth Smith
bitterness is a lot like depression. the more time you give of yourself to it, the stronger the hold it has on you. i fight it by pretending like i'm not bitter. like everything is fine and fair. eventually i begin to react my world that way naturally. it's like retraining yourself to respond to your own emotions by choosing to respond to your circumstances as though the emotions are stable. eventually the good days begin to out weigh the bad.
not sure if that makes sense to anyone else but me. lol.
I think I do get it.
And it\’s good advice – although tricky sometimes since then I get weighed down with feeling like I\’m faking it.
Which I know is okay in certain circumstances – not a bad coping mechanism, but not the way I want to operate every day, of course.
Although, I guess that is the point, if I fake it for a while, then I will no longer have to fake it because it will be more genuine.
Sharideth Smith
i think the key is to confront what can be dealt with and learn to let go of what is not in your power to fix. at least i've found that to be true for myself. happiness is already yours. bitterness and other similar emotions are simply thieves.
while you are correct in that you have no answer for me, it is nice to know i am not alone.
even if we might war against bitter over different things, i guess on some level it's the same.
i went to war with bitterness today.
and it is a war i'd rather not fight.
step by step, day by day. know i've got your back.
That is something I do know.
And am grateful for.
Love you.
I am in that mindset sometimes, I try to think instead about what I am thankful for. And try to shew away those thoughts with scripture. I know it is a hard battle. Keep up the good fight!
Can't wait to see you!
Focus. Yes – and being grateful for what is good.
And scripture.
How often I fail to look there first!
Cannot wait to see you and your family either!
Mary Hess
((hugs)) I totally get it. Praying for you. Hang in there.
Thank you!
I feel the same way. I feel so many bitter feelings rise up in my—hmm—heart? Stomach? Bowels? I don't know where that yuck comes from, but it's awful. If you figure out how to get rid of it, please let me know!
I guess it comes from the same place every sin comes from – originally Satan – and the depths of our born broken hearts and souls.
Now I guess we are forced to work on the "get rid of it" part.
So there. So, so so so very there.
I wonder if our fight against bitterness isn't a fight against one (or both) of these things: a sense of entitlement (meaning we think we deserve better) or the deep knowledge that there IS better (and that we were made for that better)
And then the question is – how do you determine which one that might be?
Since if it is the first, then that's a sin issue – right?
And the second, well, that one won't be fulfilled until eternity I guess.
Oh hang in there friend. We all know what that kind of battle feels like. And how many rounds we can go with bitterness. I wrote a post called "Some days I feel covered in ick" a while back and I wasn't talking about puke or diarrhea (for a change)
Hoping your weekend brings something sweet.