Shameless Plug – It’s My First One. But You Get Something Great Out Of This Too.
I have this framily.
You’ve read about them – right?
And they all have many talents.
But in this post I just want to point you in one particular direction.
Sarah’s new Etsy site – That’s Sew U.
It’s adorable.
(Just like her son Rowan. That’s him up there wearing his sweet little hat and sharing his wide little grin.)
She makes the cutest stinkin’ hats you have ever seen.
(She made a pretty stinkin’ cute baby boy too – didn’t she?)
And, if you order before Christmas, you don’t even have to pay shipping.
Which we all know is pretty great.
What I also love is the fact that Sarah makes the hats (and her other creations) in the colors you choose.
I like control like that.
I think Finn needs a hat for this winter.
What color should I pick?
What color should you pick?
Because – get this –
when you leave a comment telling me what color hat you wish you had and who would be wearing said colored hat
you will be entered into a drawing for that hat.
See how that works?
I have never done a giveaway.
This is my first.
But it’s Christmas – right?
I’ll take comments until Saturday morning.
At which time I will randomly choose a winner through some random process.
(Such as – let my daughters practice their writing skills by recording the names and then let my son practice his picking a piece of paper out of a bucket skills.)
Love give aways! I would love one in red. Or orange. Or maybe brown and blue. So fun!
so……is it STILL morning over in the K household ?? lol Im thinking the pink/black combo with flower beanie is wayy to cute for a certain itty bitty newborn joining the Walser family summer '11… that IS of course if it IS a girl– if not Im cool with hoping and using it as a prop too!!
Thanks – lovin the giveaway!! and what a FAB photographer Sarah has for her site *wink!
Hmmm…Pink and brown flower beanie…for my 3 year old! Love it!
This is such a fun thing! My Sly loves hats. He also loves orange or green! Hope you have fun with this!!
Lisa Van Ek
This is exciting, the only thing I've ever won was a Skelator figure when I was 8……our Shelby (7months) would love a pale pink.
So so sweet! Love the name Rowan. I would love to get my little sister a dark green hat!! Or black
Helen Rutrough
Would love a newsboy hat for Maverick (Tony & Leigh Ann's almost to be born son) in brown with blue stripe! Wait…his dad is a Redskins fan so how about a burgundy with gold stripe!
Oh my.
I am in love with the name Maverick!
ooh, most certainly the same stinkin cute hat for my 3 1/2 year old girl, except change the blue to red and leave the brown or better yet, I really love that beanie with the flower, keep the colors!
thanks for the chance at such a lovely giveaway!
Very cute, sadly my babies are both adults now!! She is pretty awesome at making hats isnt she….Put my name in the drawing just so you think about me that day, buy don't pick my name!
Hey – I know you know people with babies – there's no rules here.
You can still be a winner.
And I think about you often without sticking your name in a hat.
How do you choose just one?!?
I'd pick a nice green and brown for Luca (6) because he loves green and the brown would look great with his melty brown eyes… and because he just got his hair cut and said he should have done it in the summer. Ha ha!
Or, maybe a blue, green and gold one for Josiah (4) because it would make his incredible eyes pop.
Or, maybe a fun, really girly one for Anastasia (2) because she doesn't have a winter hat that fits her yet and a girl has to be prepared, right?
Have fun with your giveaway, Lacey!
Sounds like even if you win you'll have to hit up the website again!!
For a little girl (Finn) I would pick a shade of purple, but for my son a newsboy hat just like the one in the picture!
i think my little sister would love a black one with a pink flower on the side for christmas!
How about fun multi-colored yarn for Finn? Similar to all those many things you and I have crocheted. We are self-taught, you know.
Oh why must you remind me of our shameful attempt at scarf-making?
Or rather – our attempt at long, misshapen strands of corded yarn in uneven lengths?
I would have to say brown, with some sort of pink embellishment. And it would be for my daughter Lucy who just turned 5 months old and is dreading this cold weather as much as me!
Beth Wright
i love the newsboy hat for a friend who just had her baby this morning… noah would look adorable in the hat!! i love the color combination of blue and brown
I would pick a Hunter Green with a lighter green stripe boy's cap for my newest nephew, Luke, born 6 days ago!
So, if I were you I would pick army green for little Otto. And does she make those cute little hats with the draw strings for little girls, like 2 1/2 years old? Maybe in some pinkish color? Those are adorable and I think her sister-in-law takes some awesome pictures too! Maybe you should do a photo give a way. Ha ha ha!
Army green for Otto would be perfect.
And I like the photo give away idea – I'll talk to Emma!
I think a photo giveaway sounds fantastic! Can't wait to see who wins one of Sarah's amazing hats!
I will have my people talk with your people.
I don't have a newborn anymore, but the pom beanie is just too cute!
I would love to wear a hat the color of a Montana winter sky – I grew up under that sky and think God must love that clear blue color best of all the other colors He created. It is obvious, because He made SO much of it. Love your site, by the way!
Thank you – and the Montana sky….. ahhh. It is beautiful. Some of my family lives in Wyoming and it is just as gorgeous – the sky, not the whole state!
A recent favorite blog of yours was the "Shema" – if every family had that as their 'mission statement' what a different world we would inhabit. Thank you for raising your children in His grace!
I'd love one of those flower beanies
I'd use them for multiple newborns when I take photos 
Ohhh – your girls would look adorable in them!
How exciting! I would love a brown and orange one for my son! He's got BIG brown eyes that seem to get even bigger whenever he wears brown. And the orange because I'm originally from Cleveland, so Browns colors stand out here in Indianapolis. Everyone wears blue and white. My boy can wear brown and orange and I'll find him in a crowd!
I am all for standing out in a crowd.