God's Pursuit of Me,  London Eli Scout,  Story

A Little Like Me

My children say some crazy things.

Out of nowhere, Mosely commented, “Wouldn’t it be weird if a witch came here right now and turned Bergen into a dog?”

(Where’s that kid learning about witches and how powerful does she think they are?)

Or Bergen wondering out loud, “Wouldn’t it be funny if all shoes were made out of sausages?”

And I actually like to hear these bizarre-o statements escape their lips.

Because I like laughing.

But it’s the sweet, unexpectedly kind and thoughtful comments that really shape my heart.

Brushing Scout’s much-longer-than-I-realized hair, I began telling her how much her current seven-year-old self resembled my former seven-year-old self.

(It’s uncanny, really.  I would scan a photo if I knew how.  Or wasn’t mostly computer-lazy.)


I told her how she looked basically like a miniature me in cooler clothes.

She listened.

Then she said,

“Maybe God liked the way He made you so much that He wanted to make someone who was a little like you.”


That’s a beautiful thought.

And it’s sort of true.

For any parent of any kid.

God likes us so much that He allows us to create other people who are a little like us.

It is beautiful.

And it’s also humbling.

And overwhelming.

And it’s a work in progress.

Because the people God allows us to create who are a little like us will one day create more people who are a little like them, which means they are still a little like us.

And so on.

That’s a sobering thought for me.

Because I’m afraid that my London will not only look a little like me, she will also act a little like me.

And that’s where the real burdens and blessings lie.