a good way to spend a day
It’s a long walk (especially if your legs are only about two feet tall).
And carrying your baby brother only adds to the heavy load.
But the hike is always worth the effort when we reach the top and stand in front of one my favorite local spots.
The home of poet and writer Carl Sandburg.
I just love this place.
I like the rooms that are teeming with books that Sandburg touched, read and studied.
I love the view from this house and smile just thinking about the poet sitting in his chair on the rocks being inspired by the same image.
I love remembering that I actually brought a group of my tenth grade students from Virginia to this very spot for a field trip so many years ago without ever imagining I would live nearby.
I love that I can read The Huckabuck Family one morning to my children and then get in the car that afternoon to see where the book’s author wrote and explored and ate and laughed and walked.
And that they can do all those things in the exact same place.
London loves the bamboo growing in huge patches there.
Fox was released from the carrier and allowed to roam with the goats.
The gentle, adorable, loving goats.
The goats who are actually descendants of Mrs. Sandburg’s own prize-winning goat herd.
(I mean, how much better does it get? Goats and great literature all in one stop?)
We wanted Fox to feed the goats but he wasn’t so sure about the process.
I think we all agreed –
It was a lovely way to spend a day.
I know how, you could actually in a round about , married into the family, be somewhat related to the man
Oh yeah.
I need to keep remembering that because it makes me so much cooler!
Rhonda Horinka
Okay, so this has nothing to do with the field trip, BUT I just have to say that when I saw the picture of London pulling on the bamboo – That profile? Lacey all the way! She is your mini-me! I've never noticed it as much in the straight-on pics of her. I was taken aback a bit!
She IS a mini-me.
The pictures of Kid Me prove it.
I never realized just how much Fox looks like Popeye the Sailor Man ;0)
oh, i wish it was close to our home!
what a wonderful experience.
school is starting around this place soon! and i am so very ready! i've missed it!
Kaity Aigner
I love that place! That was one of the best field trips ever!!
Second student commenter.
That makes me soo happy!
I adore Connemara, too. I really should visit more often. It's such a serene place.
I LOVE Fox's expression in the picture of him feeding the goats. So cute!
You SHOULD visit more often.
And that face cracked me up too.
It looks like a very good way to spend the day!
Any day to get out and about in nature and experience history as well as something fun, is a good way to spend a day!
It certainly was.
Jamie Harden
That was such a fun field trip!
I think it was the best one I ever planned and participated in!