On My Plate
I like to eat words.
Particularly my own.
You think I would learn by now.
But I have not.
I just keep saying things. Making crazy stands on both important and non-important issues.
I would never want to teach high school English.
No more dogs for the Keigley family.
I don’t want to live any farther south than Virginia.
Taking young children to Disney is ridiculous.
Like so many other times
I have found myself dining on my own litany of “never” and “I won’t” and “That’s crazy”.
And now
I have to dish up another plate.
At one point I thought they were over the top, too big of a commitment, for a certain type of person.
But now I have one.
A tattoo
that is.
Pass the plate.
I’ve already dished it up.
It says truth, written in Hebrew.
It’s on the inside of my right wrist.
Rachael went with me and let me hold her hand.
It didn’t hurt that badly, actually. (Not nearly as badly as childbirth – something the chick before me tried to convince me that it would before I went in.)
In the Hebrew spelling, the first letter of the word is the beginning of the Hebrew alphabet and the last letter of the word is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet – so it’s as if truth is balanced and is both the beginning and the end.
Nah – my mom probably would not have liked it, thank you very much big brother Dean for asking.
Any other questions?
i love it, lacey. so, so beautiful!
sweet. welcome to the club. i get asked a lot what my tattoos mean, it's a great way to start conversations about Jesus.
Actually – I have long admired the stars on your hand.
Thanks Chris – I had actually seen that video recently and laughed. yeah – I have a past alright!
There's something in this video relevant to this story.
that's awesome! i have 'Jesus' written in aramaic on my left ribs. i love when people ask me about it because it opens up the door to talk about Him.
Left ribs!!
Two things –
One – that seems extra painful.
Two – I am just curious – how often are you shirtless that you get a chance to talk about the tattoo?
1)Yes, I have other tattoos, but the ribs were by far the worst!
2)San Diego has amazing weather most of the year, so I'm at the beach or pool a lot.
good times. very good times.
I like it Lacey. Very conservative, for a tatoo.
Thanks – that is what I was actually hoping for – so thank you!
I thought I saw that on your wrist. It's very cool and classy : ). Love all the meanings to it!
Kudos to you!
I have always wanted one too but am too chicken to get it (you know, the whole "whatwillitlooklikeat60onmybody" kind of thing) hahahahahahah
Have a great weekend!
Thank you!
I was chicken too.
Which is why I chose the wrist. Those don’t seem to sag very much, you know?
that's part of what worries me while contemplating a tatoo!
the sag.
ok, i'm pondering now….never thought of the wrist.