God's Pursuit of Me

Wrong Again

I don’t know if you have ever noticed, but I have these little categories on the right side of this page.  (You know, like a billion other bloggers.)

And one of my categories is entitled “My Pursuit of God”.

And I think I have just been realizing something.

I have had that all wrong.

Mislabeled really.

This whole time

it has


been about my pursuit of God.

It has


been about God’s pursuit of me.

There I go again – making it all about me.

Because I can be such an idiot sometimes

when it comes to


This story,

my life,

has been entirely a picture of

God’s relentless pursuit of me.

His constant chasing after

my heart.

(All of it.)

I’ve been thinking I have been trying to find God

when all along

He has already found me.

God is pursuing me.

I’ve had it all wrong

all along.


  • Amy

    If I have learned nothing else from this journey we’ve been on for the last year and half (and i’ve learned sooo much more than just one thing, by the way) it’s been that God IS the pursuer of my heart.

    And He wants all of it. Every single corner of it.

    Thanks for sharing this. It reminds me.

  • nikkie

    If I have learned nothing else from this journey we've been on for the last year and half (and i've learned sooo much more than just one thing, by the way) it's been that God IS the pursuer of my heart.

    And He wants all of it. Every single corner of it.

    Thanks for sharing this. It reminds me.

  • tiffany P.

    Now you're talking. When you come to the point that you realize that your sinful bad self would in no way pursue God but that it MUST be that HE has come after you and changed you then it all falls into place perspective wise. You will probably be reading a new bible from now on and say oh how could I have missed this all along! Enjoy and may all the glory be to GOD!!!