God's Pursuit of Me,  Story


I am taking a crash course in community right now.

Call it Community 101.  Or something like that.

And it’s beautiful.

I don’t mean virtual community.  (Although I think that’s pretty fun and actually, more helpful than I imagined it could be.)

But I mean – flesh and bones, hands and feet, I will meet your needscommunity.

It might just be the first time in my life I am seeing what it looks like to let someone other than my family (or framily) rally around me and carry me when my legs are broken.  (Not literally, alright guys?)

And there’s a power in that weakness.

And a peace in that fellowship.

The ironic thing is – we are probably more surprised to see this kind of community than we should be.

Because isn’t this kind of community exactly what is described in the Bible?

Carrying one another’s burdens?

Always being ready to give a reason for your hope?

Wounds from a friend?

Spurring one another on to good deeds?

Comforting others with the comfort you’ve been given?


isn’t community

our mission?

I don’t know.

Maybe community was always all around me

and I never looked.

I’m not sure.

But I am sure of this.

Right now, right now,

I am sitting in the middle of real, genuine, holy community.

And I don’t want to be any place else.


  • Rachel

    Wow. I don't know what's going on, but I can be part of your virtual community and lift you up in prayer. Our small group is experiencing this deepening of community right now, and even though circumstances are stinky, the building of Christ is awesome.

    I pray you are surrounded by God's peace and the hands & feet of Christ this Easter weekend…

  • Gretchen

    I am soooooo (there are not enough O's) thankful for God's hands and feet through everyone who is surrounding you right now. I am thankful that God brought you to where you are. He has a plan huh? I love you and just trust in Him and let the love just be poured out on you. I am sorry I cannot be there physically but I am there with you through my prayers. Love you! G

  • Jane

    I'm so thankful that you are part of my community and that you are letting me be a part of yours. Yes, this is what it's supposed to look like. This is exactly what God intended it to look like. I know that the Lord is sitting in the midst of us and saying "well done, well done." This is his heart and the gates of hell can't prevail against it!! (quoting Walter and Stuart, oh and the bible) I was struck with the beauty of it last night also. I love you friend.